
What we must walk through.
What life has asked of us.
Challenged every day.
Asked to stand and lead in the midst of controversy and danger.

Shot in her home, there is no excuse.
A knee on your neck, mama called out, deceased on the street.
Racially profiled in your own neighborhood, violence steps in.
Lead in the city’s water, generations left out and unprotected.

The hidden facts of a world secretly unchanged, camoflauged.
Suddenly, here to rear it’s ugly head again.

Color, redeamed and free.
Look deeper than the cover.
As we are determined and decided for by a society.
Racism encouraged to be let loose and falsely set free.

Judged today because “we” are too dark, too light, too brown, not brown enough,
The encompassing fear,
The anxiety to be,
Just me.


Peace, I saw you today.
We were together.
Our sisters and brothers were there.
We were one.

There was no difference to be seen.
We were comfortable.
Our lives entwined, our hearts adjusted to a new reality.

The old and the young.
The sighted and the blind.
Our countries diversity, without divide,
was seen and celebrated.
We thrived.

It is reflected in our eyes, solidarity prevails.
Divided we fail, together we’re strong, our flag represents freedom for all.


Sexy, sultry, mysterious and hidden.
Previously marked as a villain, “the masked man.”
The daring, the invaders and the hero.

Today the mainstay, the protection, the fabric / the guard interfacing as our life depends on it.
Our control!
Waiting for this universal catastrophe to end.

Tomorrow unknown.
Even then, like the eucalyptus aiding the exhale, inhaling deeply healing the wounds of a year.
Can we let go?

Our destiny?
The possibility of more pandemics?
People dependent on how well we supersede the molecules and seasonal vigilance.
Masks in the future?


Disbelief and lies carry us on the wind of change. Continents are ravaged with this unseen phantom.

The hidden pathogens carried unknowingly by everyday people. A pandemic of disbelief, burying the truth, misrepresented action and failed emergency.

Mask’s worn, business’s lost, people without food, hiding inside, thinking anew, when will this end?

That fateful breath, the accidental brush, the distance between us, the fear to touch. Life in the distance, we love so much.

Sobered by the souls that have passed, healing our future, protecting our children, walking within change and new boundries.